In the beginning, it was Omega Alpha Chapter at Wayne State University in 1941. Soror Mary Watson Stewart of Detroit became the Central Regional Director in 1943. The Great Lakes Region was established in 1947, which included Michigan.
Our legacy of leadership in Michigan started with Soror Ione Gibson of Beta Omicron Zeta, as Associate Director from 1955 to 1960. The next Associate Director was our Triumphant Zeta Dove, Soror Frances E. Faithful of Zeta Beta Zeta, from 1960-62. Both Soror Gibson and Soror Faithful were appointed by Great Lakes Regional Director Soror Margaret Irby. The Michigan State Organization entity was eventually born when Soror Ione Gibson was State Director. Soror Gibson initiated the first State meeting in 1967, with four chapters: Beta Omicron Zeta, Zeta Beta Zeta, Zeta Nu Zeta and Zeta Omega Zeta.
Our magnificent list of trailblazers of former State Directors include sorors:
Ione Hartley Gibson* (1955-1960)
Frances E. Faithful* (1960-1962)
Ione Hartley Gibson* (1962-1969)
Marie Clifton* (1969-1974)
Annye Roberts (1974-1984)
Jeffrey P. King (1984-1992)
Mary Reid Gray* (1992-1996)
Mary Crew Lester (1996-2002)
Cassandra Bronson* (2002-2006)
Valeriah Holmon (2006-2008)
Elner Taylor (2008-2014)
Tonia Jenkins (2014-2018)
Angela Philmore (2018-2020)
We are strong in Zeta by having 18 graduate chapters, 11 undergraduate chapters, 9 Amicae Auxiliaries and 14 youth affiliate groups. The Michigan State Organization is the essence of Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood and Finer Womanhood.
* Denotes triumphant soror