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Meet Chi Xi Chapter

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority - Michigan

Updated: Jun 10, 2022

The Oh So Captivating Chi Xi Chapter was chartered on Jan. 11, 1992 at Grand Valley State University in Allendale, Mich., where it is based. Chi Xi is known for their engaging community service projects and educational events displayed throughout the campus. The charter members are Tracey McCloughan, Sherreta Neely, Ave Turner, Erin Shurtan and Kimberly McKleane.

Community Involvement

Chi Xi has participated in numerous community service projects over the years. Every year, sorors play a major role in Welcome Week by helping students move in on campus. Other projects include: GVSU Taste of Soul, Imperial Nursing Home, Mel Trotter, Kids Food Basket, Voters Registration, Premature Awareness Bridge Walk, Autism Awareness Walk and MLK Day of Service. We have participated and contributed annually to the March of Dimes organization of Grand Rapids.

Our Z-HOPE Projects (National’s Zetas Helping Other People Excel) that we have participated in are Finer Fitness, Bowling Fundraisers, Movie Fundraisers, Adopt-A-School, Adopt-A-Family, Grand Rapids Home for Veterans (toiletries), Autism Awareness Fundraising/Walk, Premature Awareness Walk, UNCF Walk, Breast Cancer Awareness, St. Jude, Kids Food Basket Donations and Bags for Homeless. Joint Zeta/Sigma Projects have included: Adopt-A-Family partnering also with Pi Rho Zeta Graduate Chapter.

Adopt-A-Family is one of Chi Xi’s biggest projects. Every year, our chapter partners with our graduate chapter, Pi Rho Zeta, and adopts up to two families for Christmas. While shopping and wrapping gifts, we make it a great opportunity to fellowship with our sorors during this time of the year. We have made this an annual tradition for our chapter to give back to our community and enjoy being a blessing during the season of giving.

Undergraduate Retreat

In 2016, Chi Xi Chapter hosted the Undergraduate Retreat. This gave chapter members the chance to enhance their leadership capabilities and show our sorors the west side of the state.

Regional Recognition

Chi Xi earned second place in Z-HOPE for the 2019-20 sororal year at the Great Lakes Regional Conference. Some of these projects have required our chapter to fundraise and create new opportunities to raise money to grow and give back.

Current Officers

Basileus Shantiera Carpue and Undergraduate Advisor Tayler Arnold of Pi Rho Zeta Chapter in Grand Rapids.

Zeta Leaders

The current Centennial Basileus, Shantiera Carpue, serves as the Black Greek Council President at GVSU. She creates intentional spaces for them to unify and educate the campus on important issues affecting our world today.

Note: This is part of the Michigan State Organization’s online series "The MSO Great History Countdown! Our Centennial Journey to State Meeting" to leave a lasting gift to the state in honor of Zeta’s 100th anniversary. Histories from every graduate and undergraduate chapter in Michigan is being published in the month of September 2020 in the days leading up to the centennial state meeting. The project was approved under State Director Lynese Thomas’ administration, and overseen by MSO Epistoleus Earlene McMichael in partnership with MSO Historian Trudy Hale and Great Lakes Region Historian Norma Dartis.



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