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Zeta Phi Beta Sorority - Michigan

Meet Gamma Delta Chapter

Updated: Jun 10, 2022

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, Gamma Delta Chapter was chartered May 16, 1970 on the campus of the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor by eight women referred to as the “Elegant Eight.” This year marks Gamma Delta’s 50th anniversary. Gamma Delta Chapter is sponsored by Zeta Nu Zeta Chapter of Inkster, Mich.

Community Involvement

Over the years, Gamma Delta Chapter has upheld our Sorority’s commitment for being action-oriented and community conscious. One way is through the annual Black HAIRstory program. It was designed to discuss the social and political implications of Black hair in the hopes that the Black community would comfortably and freely talk about their own experiences and ideas involving their hair.

The program has remained the leading opportunity on campus to not only learn from others’ experiences with Black hair but to showcase what their own hair means to them by modeling it in whatever style they choose for the show. Models shared their personal hair stories, which were presented during the actual event. Topics range from hair failures to very personal aspects of their own hair journey.

Another staple program is Zetas Against Academic Probation (Z.A.A.P.), a study table event in which members of the campus are free to join the ladies of Gamma Delta for a study session. This event is usually held multiple times throughout the semester.

Current Officers

Our Centennial officers are as follows: Lorna Brown (Basileus), Karla Bell (First Anti-Basileus), and Ayana Boyd (Second Anti-Basileus).

Finer Womanhood Activities

Gamma Delta Chapter hosts Finer Womanhood Week activities centering and catering to women on campus. It culminates with a large-scale awards event, where the accomplishments of campus and community women are highlighted and scholarships awarded to deserving underclassmen. Over the last 10 years, it has evolved from the Annual Sapphire & Diamond Ball to Gamma Delta Chapter’s GirlZ Rock! Campus Awards Gala.

Zeta/Sigma Projects

We host Blue & White Week and Blue & White Weekend.

Zeta Leaders|Trailblazers

We are proud that one of our members, Soror Evangerline Trice, was once Michigan State Organization Epistoleus, Great Lakes Undergraduate Member At-Large and National Co-Director of Publications. Soror Gabrielle Carter-Felder served as MSO Undergraduate Member-At-Large in the 2016-2018 sororal year.

Local, State, Regional and National Recognition:

Soror Gabrielle Carter-Felder earned both “Neophyte of the Year” (2017) and “Prophyte of the Year” (2018) at the University of Michigan. Soror Barbara Venson was named “Neophyte of the Year” in 2019. Awards have also been given to Gamma Delta Chapter itself. It won a Z-HOPE award (Zetas Helping Others Excel) for Hairstory at the 2016 Great Lakes Regional Conference. The chapter earned first place for scrapbook at the 2019 conference.

Zeta Legacies

Our legacy pairings are:

· Sorors Madie J. Searcy and Aleesa Searcy (Gamma Delta), Hattaria Searcy (Zeta Nu Zeta)

· Sorors Alicia Jackson (Gamma Delta) and LaTisha Jackson (Lambda Beta)

· Sorors Samara Barrett (Gamma Delta) and Samantha Martin (Gamma Delta)

· Sorors Laura Simpkins (Gamma Delta) and Elena Simpkins (Gamma Delta)

· Sorors Gassinie Holmes (Gamma Delta) and Krystal Holmes (Gamma Delta)

· Sorors Carol Cole-Brown (Gamma Delta) and Lorna Brown (Gamma Delta

· Soror Cheryl Henry (Gamma Delta) and Velma Roberts (Zeta Beta Zeta)

· Sorors Tracy Massey (Gamma Delta) & Marcia Massey (Psi Epsilon)

· Sorors Alexandrea Glenn (Gamma Delta) & Veronica Green (Zeta Nu Zeta)

· Sorors Karla Bell (Gamma Delta) and Sena Bell (Zeta Beta Zeta)

· Sorors Ayana Boyd (Gamma Delta) and Monica Boyd (Psi Phi Zeta)

Note: This is part of the Michigan State Organization’s online series "The MSO Great History Countdown! Our Centennial Journey to State Meeting" to leave a lasting gift to the state in honor of Zeta’s 100th anniversary. Histories from every graduate and undergraduate chapter in Michigan is being published in the month of September 2020 in the days leading up to the centennial state meeting. The project was approved under State Director Lynese Thomas’ administration, and overseen by MSO Epistoleus Earlene McMichael in partnership with MSO Historian Trudy Hale and Great Lakes Region Historian Norma Dartis.

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