The charter members of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, Nu Nu Chapter at Oakland University in Rochester, Mich. are Amy Moran, Dequindra Cottle, Angie Edwards, Elizabeth Pena-Woods Johnson, Jenetra Chandler, Herron Chisom, Linda Young, Gabrielenne Ausborne, Janice Travick and Sonja Pearson.
These ladies embarked on a journey to establish a new sorority on campus. One that would exemplify Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood and Finer Womanhood at a commuter college. Lambda Rho Zeta Chapter in Pontiac, Mich was the sponsoring graduate chapter that lead the charge to create this undergraduate chapter.

The 10 ladies are known as “The Renaissance Ten” and were initiated into the sorority on April 4, 1987, and the official chapter name (Nu Nu) was given at the regional meeting of the Great Lakes Region on April 25, 1987 in Milwaukee, Wisc.
Community Involvement
The significance of community service continues to be a priority for Nu Nu Chapter. We have continued to be active and involved from “The 5 Point Plan” to present Z-HOPE (Zeta’s Helping Other People Excel). The ongoing community projects includes: March of Dimes, Stork’s Nest (continuously volunteering with Lambda Rho Zeta who oversees the nest at St. Joseph Mercy Oakland Hospital), Elder Care, Adopt a School, Voter Registration and Education, Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church Health Fair in collaboration with Lambda Rho Zeta, Welcome Missionary Baptist Church Thanksgiving Community Meal, Kids First Initiative, Prematurity Awareness Sunday, “Hustle for Heart”-American Heart Association, “Bottoms Up” Alcohol Awareness (MADD), MLK Day of Service at Oakland University, Pontiac Back to School Rally, Making Strides against Breast Cancer Walk, and OLSHA’s Walk for Warmth.
Current Officers
The Centennial officers of this chapter are as follows; Basileus: Zakia Ali-James, First Anti-Basileus: Nezerena Graves, Second & Third Anti-Basileus: Ch’nel Skelton, Tamias: Kiera Parkman, Tamias Grammateus: Maiya Goldston, Grammateus: Maiya Goldston, Corresponding Grammateus: Maiya Goldson, and Epistoleus: Jasmine Buckley.

Finer Womanhood Activities
Since the chapter’s inception, we have consistently observed Finer Womanhood Week in the month of March on Oakland’s campus. Signature events include an annual brunch and etiquette workshop.
Zeta/Sigma Projects
Nu Nu Chapter has a great bond with our brothers of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.- Omicron Omicron Chapter at Oakland University. We were the first Black Greek letter organizations to hold “The Blue & White Scholarship Ball” on campus. We sold booklet ads, provided a sit-down dinner and souvenir glasses. We awarded two book scholarships of $250 to two students that completed the application and wrote an essay.
March of Dimes
Nu Nu sponsors an annual “Community Baby Shower” in collaboration with other Greek organizations that share in the same philanthropy initiative. This event continues to grow every year and the March of Dimes enjoys this collaboration with us and Oakland University. The items collected at the baby shower are donated to Lambda Rho Zeta’s Stork’s Nest. All monetary donations are used to assist with raising money for the March for Babies.
Local, State, Regional and National Recognition
For the 1996/1997 school year, Nu Nu Chapter was recognized for having the highest overall GPA out of all Greek letter organizations on campus; in 1999, Soror Erica Goldston was awarded "Greek President of the Year"; in 2002, the chapter was awarded "Sorority of the Year" by the university, Soror Urayna Nance was awarded "Greek President of the Year," and the chapter was the first Greek letter organization at Oakland University to collaborate with an IFC fraternity, Sigma Pi, in the NPHC Step Show and won first place.
Other accolades include: 2016, won "Undergraduate Chapter of the Year" by the Michigan State Organization; 2018, earned first place regional Z-HOPE Award, Chapter Report and Scrapbook awards; 2018, won the Sororal/Masonic Neighborhood "Champion Service Award"-Ascend Foundation; 2018, awarded Soror Zakia Ali James "Sisterly Love Award" - Great Lakes Region and Soror Kessia Graves "New Member of the Year" - Great Lakes Region; and 2019, won first place regional Chapter Report, and Service Project of the Year.
In 2016 and 2018, Soror Urayna Nance won "Undergraduate Advisor of Year Award" serving as Nu Nu advisor. In 2018, Soror Kessia Graves was named Oakland University- Keeper of the Dream Scholarship Recipient.. At the 2019 Great Lakes Regional Conference in Milwaukee, Wisc., Soror Kiera Parkman was elected as the Undergraduate Member at Large. She also has the honor of being elected as the first African American vice president of Greek Council at Oakland University.
Zeta Legacies
Sorors Janell Richards-McWilliams and Jacinda Richards; Sorors Erica Goldston and Maiya Goldston; Sorors Charnese Davis and Sarah Davis; Sorors Anita Barksdale and Vernice Bell; Sorors Angela Burgess and Sheena Burgess; Sorors Leah Drew, Renisha Drew and Kim Drew; Sorors Jasmine Buckley, Traci Buckley, Andrea Buckley, and Arielle Buckley; Sorors Kessia Graves and Candice Marshall; Sorors Kiera Parkman and Sheila Parkman.
Note: This is part of the Michigan State Organization’s online series "The MSO Great History Countdown! Our Centennial Journey to State Meeting" to leave a lasting gift to the state in honor of Zeta’s 100th anniversary. Histories from every graduate and undergraduate chapter in Michigan is being published in the month of September 2020 in the days leading up to the centennial state meeting. The project was approved under State Director Lynese Thomas’ administration, and overseen by MSO Epistoleus Earlene McMichael in partnership with MSO Historian Trudy Hale and Great Lakes Region Historian Norma Dartis.